Wednesday, July 11, 2012

SLLO Interviews: Rhonda Rahn

On of the ways SLLO endeavors to provide resources is to connect you with other SLLO users. One of the founding members of SLLO is Mrs. Rhonda Rahn, Health Education Coordinator for the Student Health Services. She graciously answered a few questions about her experiances with SLLO.


1. How did you get involved in SLLO?

I was on the committee as a representative of Student Health Services in the beginning about 6 years ago and helped in creating some of the rubrics. After a time off, I was invited to be on the Leadership Team and began investing more in the project. 

2. What is the very first thing you’ve used SLLO tools for, and what was it?

Exit interviews. I began conducting exit interviews with my student workers after they leave.

3. Have you had an “a-ha” moment using SLLO?

Yes. The learning contracts I have now implemented with my student workers have caused me to be increasingly excited about the opportunities we can provide them outside the classroom; opportunities that are directly related to what they are learning in class.

4. If you had one sentence to describe SLLO to someone, what would it be?

It’s a project that can aid you in ensuring your students are learning what they are supposed to learn and will become better leaders because of it.

5. Can you share one activity or resource you’ve used that someone else might benefit from?

Learning styles quiz. I use it in my class I teach in the health and kinesiology department and it enables me to see the variety of learning styles in the class. I can then tailor my lectures to the different learning styles to ensure optimum learning.


Do you have more questions for Rhonda? Contact her at:

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